
  1. Historical background, technology, efficiency, applications, and comparative performance indicators
    for UV-C (253.7 nm) ultraviolet light technology with application in the food industry.
    UV-C light disinfection technology dates back more than 120 years, having been discovered by the
    scientist Niels Finsen and appreciated as such with the NOBEL prize.
    Ultraviolet light UV-C is part of the spectrum of ultraviolet light emitted by the sun but does not reach the
    earth’s surface (compared to UV-A and UV-B, which reach 5%). Its unique feature is that it destroys the
    chain of the molecular structure (DNA, RNA) of any known microcontaminant (molds, bacteria, viruses,
    protozoa, etc.), performing decontamination with the highest efficiency ecologically and sustainably.
    Also, UV-C light is a surface light that does not pass (does not penetrate) any surface it encounters
    (the surface of food, water, plastic, textile, glass, metal, etc., including human skin).
    As a result, UV-C light will destroy any variant or mutation of any known bio-contaminant agent specific
    to the food industry (Powdery mildew, Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, bird flu, swine flu, bacteria, molds,
    etc.), new or old, transmissible through air or surfaces, with the most excellent possible efficiency,
    working both actively and preventively at the same time.
    The technology of professional disinfection with UV-C ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 253.7 nm is
    entirely ecological. It uses and produces chemicals but does not produce ozone (which irritates the
    respiratory tract). The electrical and electronic components and the materials used to construct the
    devices are 100% recyclable.
    UV-C light disinfection technology is widely used today in all states and continents as the only efficient,
    economical, and ecological technology for eliminating specific contaminants in the food industry.
    The unique disinfection system offered is an integrated, sustainable, ecological biosecurity system
    protecting production, logistics, and office spaces against the transmission of any dangerous bio
    contaminant agents specific to the type of food production activity (viruses, bacteria, molds, etc.), which
    is achieved by using (in a fixed and mobile position) of these exceptional disinfection UV-C devices and
    the control of all possible routes of contamination.
    The biosecurity system is the upper level of sanitation/disinfection with chemicals and ensures
    simultaneously active and preventive action, in addition to classic hygiene/disinfection, the following
  2. Control of contaminants specific to food processing and professional ecological air
    decontamination/disinfection in food production and food storage spaces, permanently 24/24, and in
    the total safety of the operators’ activity according to European standard ISO 15858.
  3. Decontamination/disinfection of general surfaces in food production units (floors, ceilings, walls,
    outside surfaces of equipment, etc.).
  4. Decontamination/disinfection of interior surfaces of vessels, containers, crates, pots, etc.
  5. Decontamination/disinfection of the thermoforming foil for casseroles.
  6. Decontamination/disinfection of the office, toilets, and logistic spaces.
  7. Direct disinfection of the surface of food products to eliminate surface contaminants.
  8. Decontamination/disinfection of clothes used inside by the operators.
  9. Decontamination/disinfection of heat exchange surfaces, part of the air conditioning system, to
    reduce the electricity consumption of the ventilation-air conditioning plant.
  10. Decontamination/disinfection of shoes of the operators and entering personnel.
  11. Decontamination/disinfection of personal objects (mobile phones, laptops, bags, etc.).
  12. Disinfection of the driver cabin and cargo interior space of the means of vehicles.
    Thus, we guarantee the ecological biosecurity of food production spaces with a single piece
    of equipment, without maintenance and expensive consumables, with reduced energy
    consumption and use over 20 years, so we guarantee maximum resilience and sustainability of the
    production units in the face of dangerous contamination.
    International specialist studies and international practice in the food processing industry show that air is
    responsible for up to 60-80% of contamination with specific bio-contaminants. This makes air disinfection
    extremely important, especially because it must be done permanently, 24/24 hours, during the activity,
    and in the presence of the staff.
    The system offered has a unique philosophy worldwide. The holistic approach through disinfection with
    special UV-C ultraviolet light devices guarantees effectiveness against all possible contamination bio-
    contaminants with active and preventive operation simultaneously for food processing units of any size,
    guaranteeing maximum resilience to hazardous contamination anywhere in the world.
    Ensuring ecological biosecurity integrated with UV-C light technology is not a cost but an investment, and
    it is of first-degree strategic importance due to the exponential dynamics of human movement. As a
    result, the transmission and development of new pathogens, resistant to chemicals anyway, are
    increasingly undesirable, which has already allowed an increase in dangerous infestations with new
    strains of bacteria, molds, viruses, etc.
    The applied technology and the UV-C disinfection devices produced by BIOCOMP are the most effective
    in the world in combating bio-contaminants specific to vegetable production; they are the most
    economical financially (convenient purchase price, long usage times – over 20 years -, non-repetitive
    technology, no complicated maintenance and with cheap and replaceable consumables at considerable
    intervals, minor energy consumption (they have no electric motors), can be relocated at any time, simple
    The principle of operation is the creation of these UV-C disinfection devices that are mounted on the
    walls or the ceiling at certain heights from the floor, away from the activity area of the staff and with
    which they never come into contact, a layer of ultraviolet light UV-C, stationary and invisible, through
    which the air in the space circulates by convection (natural or forced) and is permanently disinfected in
    repeated cycles, with negligible costs, ensuring a perfect state of disinfection, not allowing any bio-
    contaminant to be introduced or to form in their own cultures, to be transmitted or to survive.
    CE Certificates, user manuals, and warranty certificates accompany the devices and the system.
    We provide for these disinfection devices an exceptional general guarantee of 5 years, 10 years of post-
    warranty service, and a guarantee of efficient operation of the UV-C tubes of a minimum of 18,000 hours
    of operation (they are equipped with a unique Teflon protective sheath against the scattering of shards).
    We also offer a free consultation before and after installing the equipment and free specific efficiency
    and safety measurements with specialized equipment, guaranteeing the biosecurity of ecological and
    sustainable vegetable production spaces!
    To have a synthetic picture of the unique efficiency of the proposed system, you have a resume below:
  13. Maximum combined efficiency (air, general surfaces, vegetable product surfaces) against any
    microcontaminant regardless of age, variant, or mutation;
  14. Maximum ecological footprint;
  15. Disinfection sessions optimized for minimum operating time;
  16. Maximum availability;
  17. Maximum simplicity;
  18. Ready-to-use design – trivial assembly;
  19. Non-repetitive technique – exploitation 20 years with a single purchase;
  20. Insignificant installed energy consumption;
  21. Reduction of electricity costs related to the air conditioning system by up to 30%;
  22. Do not add heat to the space (working temperature 39°C);
  23. Protection of UV-C emitters with Teflon sheath against the scattering of fragments in case of
    accidental breakage;
  24. Adaptable to any production environment;
  25. Maximum customization capacity according to space, technology, equipment, etc.;
  26. No contact;
  27. No maintenance;
  28. Change UV-C light emitter after a minimum of 18,000 hours of operation if necessary;
  29. Convenient purchasing price direct from the manufacturer;
  30. Possibility of relocation, if necessary, with zero losses;
  31. Professional consultancy before and after sale;
  32. Exceptional 5-year product warranty – defective device replacement by changing with a new one;
  33. Post-warranty service ten years;
  34. The benefit of the system also ensures a safe working environment for the working staff that does not
    allow the transmission and contamination with viruses, bacteria, or molds – a post-pandemic condition;
  35. Ecological and sustainable biosecurity certification of the production unit.